Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Marc Smith  Rules of the Poetry Slam  poetrypoetry.com 
 2. Galore Podcast  Galore Spits with Poetry with Seattle Poetry Slam  WWW.Galorepodcast.com 
 3. Jeff Hobs, Lucio Menegon, Dean  Poetry Slam 2   
 4. Xavier  16 - Young Prophetz Poetry Slam, 4/21/07  http://communitygumbo.blogspot.com/2007/05/5122007-community-gumbo.html 
 5. Sheldon Alexander  01 - Young Prophetz Poetry Slam, 4/21/07  http://communitygumbo.blogspot.com/2007/05/5122007-community-gumbo.html 
 6. Chad Anderson, Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz, Edward Garcia, Erin Gautsche, Nicole Homer and Shappy Seaholtz  Words In Your Face: A Guided Tour Through 20 Years of the New York Poetry Slam  2nd Annual Caroline Rothstein Oral Poetry Event; Kelly Writers House, UPenn, April 21, 2008 
 7. belinda subraman  Patricia Smith: Four-time national poetry slam winner, author, teacher  Belinda Subraman Presents 
 8. The Slam Idol Podcast  slamidol20080921 - Political Poetry Words with tears by Tairy Rich - The Slam Idol Podcast - September 21st 2008  The Slam Idol Podcast 
 9. The Slam Idol Podcast  slamidol20070401 - The Slam Idol Podcast - April 1st 2007 - Slam Idol Rewind 5  The Slam Idol Podcast 
 10. Garrison Keillor Anthony Hecht Daniel Hoffman Maureen Howard X J Kennedy James Merrill Cynthia Ozick  The Republic of Verse Segment Two of a Five-Hour Marathon Poetry Reading from American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century (32)  American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century published by The Library of America www.loa.org 
 11. Garrison Keillor Allan Gurganus Michael Harper Susan Howe J.D. McClatchy James Merrill Marilyn Waniek  The Republic of Verse Segment Three of a Five-Hour Marathon Poetry Reading from American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century  American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century published by The Library of America www.loa.org 
 12. Garrison Keillor Stanley Crouch John Hollander Ann Lauterbach N. Scott Momaday Ed Sanders Karl Kirchwey  The Republic of Verse Segment Five of a Five-Hour Marathon Poetry Reading from American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century  American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century published by The Library of America www.loa.org 
 13. Garrison Keillor Roy Blount Allan Gurganus John Hollander N. Scott Momaday Thylias Moss Calvin Trillin  The Republic of Verse Segment Four of a Five-Hour Marathon Poetry Reading from American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century  American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century published by The Library of America www.loa.org 
 14. Garrison Keillor Harold Bloom John Hollander Thylias Moss Robert Pinsky Roberta Hill Whiteman  The Republic of Verse Segment One of a Five-Hour Marathon Poetry Reading from American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century  American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century published by The Library of America www.loa.org 
 15. Christopher  1991-12/01 The Poetry Commentaries Album: The Poetry Of City Life  1991-09/22 IMSRC Three Month Retreat: Partial 2 http://dharma.org 
 16. David Landrey, Dennis Reed, Lisa Forrest, others  Rooftop Poetry Club Reading: Open Mic, Politics and Poetry  Buffalo State Podcasts 
 17. Christopher  1991-12/01 The Poetry Commentaries #4: The Poetry Of City Life  Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center http://dharma.org 
 18. Samantha Graves and Lani Diane Rich  Ep. 42: Rules? There are Rules? Crap!  Will Write For Wine 
 19. The Mob  NY Slam  Upset The System 
 20. Bow Wow & Omarion ft. Chris Br  Slam    
 21. III  Slam Down  Rockman ZX Advent Soundtrack ~ ZXA Tunes 
 22. Feedback  Slam boy   
 23. A-Teens  Slam     
 24. III  Slam Down  Rockman ZX Advent Soundtrack ~ ZXA Tunes 
 25. Black Monkz  Slam  Mama Africa 
 26. Haley Bennett  Slam  Music and Lyrics   
 27. Cicada  slam  Unfinished 
 28. A-Teens  Slam  Pop 'Til You Drop   
 29. Phuture Fantasy Club  Slam  Best of Acid Jazz [Ace]  
 30. Dog Toffee  Slam    
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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